Mutex vs Semaphore

The concept of and the difference between a mutex and a semaphore will draw befuddled expressions on most developers' faces. We discuss the differences between the two most fundamental concurrency constructs offered by almost all language frameworks. Difference between a mutex and a semaphore makes a pet interview question for senior engineering positions!

Having laid the foundation of concurrent programming concepts and their associated issues, we’ll now discuss the all-important mechanisms of locking and signaling in multi-threaded applications and the differences amongst these constructs.


Mutex as the name hints implies mutual exclusion. A mutex is used to guard shared data such as a linked-list, an array or any primitive type. A mutex allows only a single thread to access a resource or critical section.

Once a thread acquires a mutex, all other threads attempting to acquire the same mutex are blocked until the first thread releases the mutex. Once released, most implementations arbitrarily chose one of the waiting threads to acquire the mutex ...