Dragging and Dropping Cards
Shift cards around by dragging and dropping.
We'll cover the following...
Make it possible to drag and drop cards.
Source code: Use the PomodoroTracker6 folder as a starting point. The result is in PomodoroTracker7.
Solution: There is a draggable
attribute in HTML5. When using this attribute, you will be able to automatically move draggable
elements by holding down the mouse button. Let’s make our selected card draggable:
Press + to interact
const cardTemplate = ( { task, id, columnIndex } ) => `<div class="task js-task ${ task.selected ? 'selected' : '' }"data-id="${id}"draggable="${ task.selected ? "true" : "false" }"data-column-index="${columnIndex}">...</div>`;
So far we have only added one attribute, but as soon as you start dragging the selected card, you can see that a higher opacity version of the selected card follows ...