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Function Scope, Block Scope, Constants
var vs let
let, const, and var
Exercise on Function Scope, Block Scope, Constants
Arrow Functions
Fat Arrow Syntax
Context Binding
Exercise on Arrow Functions
Default Arguments
Hacks in ES5
The ES6 way
Exercise on Default Arguments
Prototypal Inheritance
Prototypal Inheritance in ES5
Inheritance - The ES6 way
Creating Abstract Classes
Getters and Setters
Static Methods
Exercise on Classes
Object Property - Shorthand Notation
Destructuring Examples
Deeper Destructuring, destructuring functions, and pitfalls
Exercise on Destructuring
Spread Operator and Rest Parameters
Rest Parameters
Spread Operator
Destructuring with the Spread Operator
Exercise on Spread Operator and Rest Parameters
Objects in ES6
Shorthand for Creating and Destructuring Objects
Computed Object Keys
Shorthand for Defining Operations in Objects
Object Prototype Extensions and Super Calls
Exercise on Objects in ES6
Tail Call Optimization and Other Function Features in ES6
Tail call optimization
Name Property
Exercise on Tail Call Optimization & other Function Features
Global Symbol Registry
Symbols as Semi-Private Property Keys
Creating enum Types
Well-known Symbols
Exercise on Symbols
The for-of loop
Introducing the for-of loop
UTF-32 support
Destructuring and the DOM in the for-of loop
Exercise on the for-of loop
String and Template Literals
New String Methods
Better Unicode Support
Template Literals
Tagged Templates
Exercise on String and Template Literals
Sets, Maps, and their Weak Versions
Data Structures 101
ES6 Sets
Iterating Sets
ES6 Maps
Iterating Maps
Weak Sets
Weak Maps
Exercise on Sets, Maps, and their Weak Versions
Iterators and Generators in Depth
Iterables and Iterators
Consuming Iterables
Built-in Iterables
Iterables with Sets and Maps
The Role of the Iterable Interface
Generators and Iterators
Iterators and Destructuring
Combining Generators
Passing Parameters to Iterables
Practical Applications
Exercise on Iterators and Generators
ES6 Promises
Promise States
Creating Promises in ES6
Handling the Fulfilled or Rejected States
Handling Multiple Promises
Exercise on ES6 Promises
Configuring ES6 with Webpack
The Task
Step 1: index.html
Step 2: Initialize your Application and Configure Webpack
Step 3: Account Module
Step 4: Create the Entry Point
Step 5: Compile and Run the Application
The Reflect API
Creating Objects
Manipulating Prototypes
Property Access and Modification
Exercise on the Reflect API
Proxies in Practice
Defining Proxies
Revocable Proxies
Use Cases
Exercise on Proxies
Math and Number Extensions
Math Extensions
Number Extensions
The Exponential Operator
Array `includes`
New Object Extensions
Object.entries and Object.values
New String Extensions
Your Final Exam: ES6 Job Interview Questions
Writing an Array Extension
Binary Gap Exercise in Codility
Ten JavaScript Theory Questions
JavaScript Theory Quiz
Connect-4 Solver
Binary Trees, Recursion and Tail Call Optimization in Javascript
Painting on an HTML5 Canvas
Video Player
Event Delegation in a Pomodoro App
Pomodoro App Markup and Styling Refactoring
Persistence with Local Storage
Pomodoro APP to Kanban Board
Adding Tasks to Columns
Selecting Cards
Dragging and Dropping Cards
Insert the Timer Module in the Pomodoro App
Countdown Timer Integration in the Pomodoro App
SQL and Map-Reduce-Filter
Bonus chapter: Your learning plan
Sync your Learning Plan with your Career Plan
Set your Goals and Milestones
The Big Picture
Get Feedback and Iterate
Present your Deliverables
JavaScript In Practice: ES6 And Beyond
Static Methods
Static Methods
introduction to static methods in Javascript
We'll cover the following...