Solution Review: Create an Amount

This lesson will discuss the two possible solutions to the challenge in the previous lesson: recursive and dynamic.

Solution: recursive #

Let’s start by discussing the recursive solution to this problem.

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function returnWays(coins, numOfCoins,amount) {
if(amount === 0) return 1; // only one way to return zero amount
if(amount < 0) return 0; // No solution exists for negative amount
if(numOfCoins < 0 && amount > 0) return 0; // If no coins left
return returnWays(coins, numOfCoins, amount - coins[numOfCoins]) +
returnWays(coins, numOfCoins - 1, amount);
var coins = [1, 2, 3];
var amount = 4;

Explanation #

We start with a big problem. Given an amount and an array of coins, we have to find the number of ways to return that amount using the coins from the array.

In a recursive solution, we split the ...