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Vue 3 Overview
Introduction to the Course
Vue.js: The Basics
Vue 3 Fundamentals: Setup, Instances, and Reactive Data
Templates and Dynamic Interpolations
Template Syntax: Directives
Methods and Computed Properties
Quiz: Vue Basics
Challenge: Create a Simple To-Do List App
General and Custom Components
Component Options
Component Lifecycle Methods
Props and Default Properties
Communication with the Parent Component
Named and Scoped Slots
Quiz: Components
Challenge: Creating a Reusable Universal List Component
The Composition API
The setup() Function
Dealing with Data: ref() and reactive()
Computed and Watched Values
Lifecycle Hooks
Quiz: The Composition API
Challenge: The Composition API
Navigation Guards
Example: Authorized Routes
Quiz: Routing
Challenge: Create a Minimal Blog Engine Using Vue Router
State Management
Introduction to State Management
States and Getters in Vuex
Mutations and Actions in Vuex
Example: The Employee Directory
Quiz: State Management
Challenge: Create a Minimal Blog Engine Using Vuex
Introduction to Nuxt.js
Getting Started with Nuxt
Assets, Store, Middleware, and Plugins
Nuxt Component Options
Quiz: Nuxt.js
Challenge: Recreate a Blog Engine Using Nuxt
Mini Project
Staff Navigator App
Wrapping Up
Concluding Remarks
Vue CLI and Installation
Installation of Nuxt
Installing Vuex
Installing Vue Router
Build Tooling
npm Scripts and Plugins
Browser Devtools
Building for Production
Jump Start with Vue 3
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
Wrap up this course.
We'll cover the following...