Example: Authorized Routes
Let's see an example of authorized routes.
We'll cover the following...
To put the use of Vue Router into practice, let’s look at something a lot of client-side apps typically need: protected routes. Let’s build a simple example that demonstrates how to configure routes with authentication checks that will redirect to a login form when a guest tries to access them.
To keep the example simple and focus on the routing aspects, we’re going to create a mock authentication service. In a real app, this would call out to our server or third-party authentication service.
Here’s our src/auth.js
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let loggedIn = false;export default {login(email, password) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {if (email === 'user@example.com' && password === 'password') {loggedIn = true;resolve();}else {reject();}});},logout() {loggedIn = false;},isAuthenticated() {return loggedIn;},};