

Closures and Pure Functions

Closures and Pure Functions

Learn about closures and pure functions in Kotlin.

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In the object-oriented paradigm, state is always stored within objects. But in functional programming, this isn’t necessarily the case. Let’s look at the following function as an example:

fun counter(): () -> Int {
var i = 0
return { i++ }
A function returns a lambda that counts up each time it's called

The preceding example is clearly a higher-order function, as we can see by its return type. It returns a function with zero arguments that produces an integer.

Let’s store it in a variable, and invoke it multiple times:

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fun main() {
fun counter(): () -> Int {
var i = 0
return { i++ }
val next = counter()

As we can see, the function is able to keep a state, in this case, the value of a counter, even though it is not part of an object.

This is called a closure. The lambda has access to all of the local variables of the function that wraps it, and those local variables persist, as long as the ...