
Get introduced to programming, algorithms, and pseudocode.

So you want to learn to program? You’ve made a good decision. Programming is a fantastic skill to learn, and it’s great fun. It can be used to build the next generation of apps, hack a Raspberry Pi or Arduino, write the latest blockbuster games—and a ton of other things. In fact, once you learn how to program, the only limit is your imagination.

In this chapter, we’ll briefly survey the history of programming, look into what a computer program actually is, and then introduce the JavaScript programming language, which we’ll be using to learn how to program.

We’ll also be jumping right in and getting started with some programming, writing not one, but two programs in JavaScript!

We’ll finish the chapter with some programming challenges to help you to test your newfound skills—as we’ll do at the end of every chapter in this book.

Introduction to programming

Programming is ...