Summary: Programming Basics

Review what we learned about programming basics in JavaScript.

We'll cover the following

Key points

  • Comments are ignored by the program, but make our program easier to read and understand.

  • Primitive types are the basic building blocks of a program.

  • Primitive types in JavaScript include strings, numbers and Booleans.

  • Composite data types are structured collections of primitive data types.

  • Composite data types in JavaScript include arrays and objects.

  • Variables point to values stored in memory and are declared using the const , let or var keywords.

  • Values are assigned to variables using the = operator.

  • The value of any variables declared using const can’t be changed.

  • We can reassign values to variables that have been declared already using let or var.

  • Alert, prompt and confirm boxes can be used to add some interaction between a web page and the user.

In the next chapter, we’ll be looking more closely at how strings are used to display letters and words. But first, we have a quiz and a challenge!

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