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Who Should Take This Course?
Terminologies Related to Programming
A Bit About C++
The History of C++
Why Use C++?
Getting Started
Your First C++ Program
Printing Styles
C++ Comments
Challenge: Display Text on the Console
Solution Review: Display Text on the Console
Challenge: Display a Right-Angle Triangle
Solution Review: Display a Right-Angle Triangle
Variables and Constants
Introduction to Variables
Variables in C++
Identifiers in C++
C++ Constants/Literals
Challenge: Initialize a Variable and Overwrite its Value
Solution Review: Initialize a Variable and Overwrite its Value
Challenge: Swap the Values of Two Variables
Solution Review: Swap the Values of Two Variables
Data Types and Input
Data Types
Primitive or Fundamental Data Types
Data Type Modifiers
Strings and Escape Sequences
C++ User Input
Challenge: Convert Double Value into Integer
Solution Review: Convert Double Value into Integer
Introduction to Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment and Compound Assignment Operator
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Precedence and Associativity
Challenge: Find the Previous Alphabet
Solution Review: Find the Previous Alphabet
Challenge: Calculate Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
Solution Review: Calculate Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
Challenge: Calculate the Area of the Sphere
Solution Review: Calculate the Area of the Sphere
Conditional Statements
Introduction to Conditional Statements
If Statement
If-else Statement
Nested else-if Statement
Switch Statement
Conditional Operator
Challenge: Find the Person with the Highest Salary
Solution Review: Find the Person with the Highest Salary
Challenge: Check if the Given Character is an Alphabet
Solution Review: Check if the Given Character is an Alphabet
Challenge: Display Day of the Week
Solution Review: Display Day of the Week
Introduction to Loops
while Loop in C++
do-while Loop
for Loop
Infinite Loop
Nested Loop
break Statement
continue Statement
Challenge: Calculate the Power of a Number
Solution Review: Calculate the Power of a Number
Challenge: Find out if the Given Number is Prime
Solution Review: Find out if the Given Number is Prime
Challenge: Convert Decimal Number to Binary
Solution Review: Convert Decimal Number to Binary
Challenge: Find out if the Given Number is a Palindrome
Solution Review: Find out if the Given Number is a Palindrome
Functions in C++
Declaring a Function
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
C++ Function Parameters
Pass by Value in Functions
Pass by Reference in Functions
Scope of Variable
Accessing the Value of the Global Variable
Challenge: Convert Digits from 0 to 5 into Text
Solution Review: Convert Digits from 0 to 5 into Text
Challenge: Set the Smallest Number to -1
Solution: Set the Smallest Number to -1
Challenge: Design a Calculator
Solution Review: Design a Calculator
What is Recursion?
Structure of a Recursive Program
Calculating the Factorial of a Number
Recursion vs Iteration
Challenge: Calculate the Power of a Number Recursively
Solution Review: Calculate the Power of a Number Recursively
Challenge: Count the Digits in a Number Using Recursion
Solution Review: Count the Digits in a Number Using Recursion
Challenge: Calculate the nth Fibonacci Number using Recursion
Solution Review: Calculate nth Fibonacci Number Using Recursion
Introduction to Arrays
Creating an Array
Accessing an Array
Arrays and Functions
Creating a Two-Dimensional Array
Accessing Two-Dimensional Arrays
Challenge: Calculate the Average Marks of a Class
Solution Review: Calculate the Average Marks of a Class
Challenge: Left Rotate Array
Solution Review: Left Rotate Array
Challenge: Sort Elements of an Array in Descending Order
Solution Review: Sort Elements of an Array in Descending Order
Challenge: Add Main Diagonal Elements in a Matrix
Solution Review: Add Main Diagonal Elements in a Matrix
Challenge: Multiply Two Matrices
Solution Review: Multiply Two Matrices
Computer Memory
Variables and Memory
Address-of Operator
What is a Pointer?
Dereferencing Operator
Function and Pointers
Challenge: Calculate the Area of a Rectangle Using Pointers
Solution Review: Calculate the Area of a Rectangle Using Pointers
Challenge: Calculate the Sum and Absolute Difference
Solution Review: Calculate the Sum and Absolute Difference
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Types of Allocation
Allocation of Dynamic Memory
Deallocation of Dynamic Memory
Dynamic Arrays
Challenge: Set the Odd Elements in a Dynamic Array to -1
Solution Review: Set the Odd Elements in a Dynamic Array to -1
Challenge: Delete an Element at a Specific Index
Solution Review: Delete an Element at a Specific Index
Introduction to Structures
Defining Structure in C++
Declaring Structure Variables in C++
Initializing and Accessing Members of a Structure Variable in C++
Array of Structures
Structure and Functions
Structure and Pointers
Challenge: Subtract Two Complex Numbers
Solution Review: Subtract Two Complex Numbers
Challenge: Calculate Overall Percentage of Student's Marks
Solution Review: Calculate Overall Percentage of Student's Mark
Challenge: Account Number of Customers with Balance < $500
Solution Review: Account Number of Customers with Balance < $500
Mini Project
Mini Project 1: Grayscale to Binary Image
Mini Project
Mini Project 2: Hangman Game
Mini Projects Solution
Solution: Mini Project 1
Solution: Mini Project 2
Anatomy of a "Hello World!" Program
Compiling a C++ program
Keywords in C++
Course Assessment
C++ Exam
Learn C++: The Complete Course for Beginners
Keywords in C++
Keywords in C++
Learn about the reserved list of keywords in C++.
We'll cover the following...
Introduction to keywords
Introduction to keywords