Solution: Mini Project 2

In this lesson, you will see the step by step solution review of the hangman game.


Press the RUN button and see the output!

If you want to try the game after some code changes, press the RUN button, then wait to be dropped back in the Terminal tab. Once there, kill the running program with Ctrl+c on Windows, or command+c on a Mac. Then, type the command g++ main.cpp -o main and hit enter to compile the program. If you don’t get any compilation errors, you may run the program by typing ./main and hitting enter.




#include <string>

using namespace std;

void displayGameDetails(int maxTries);
string chooseSecretWord();
void replaceDashes(char guessWord[], int length);
void displayWord(string word, int length);
int isGuessTrue(string secretWord, char guessWord[], char letter);
void displayMan(int remainingGuess);

int main() {
    int maxTries = 5;
    int remainingTries = 5;
    char guessLetter;
    string secretWord;
    int secretWordLength;

    secretWord = chooseSecretWord();
    secretWordLength = secretWord.length();

    char guessWord[secretWordLength];
    replaceDashes(guessWord, secretWordLength);
    cout << "Your guess word is:";
    displayWord(guessWord, secretWordLength);

    while (remainingTries != 0) {

        cout << "Enter your guess letter:" << endl;
        cin >> guessLetter;

        int guess = isGuessTrue(secretWord, guessWord, guessLetter);

        if (guess == 0) {
            cout << "\nWhoops! that letter is not present in the word" << endl;
        if (guess == 1) {
            cout << "\nYay! You have found the letter" << endl;
        if (guess == 2) {
            cout << "\nYou have already guessed this letter. Try something else!" << endl;
        cout << "You can have " << remainingTries << " more wrong attempts" << endl;
        cout << "Your guess word is:";
        displayWord(guessWord, secretWordLength);
        cout << endl;

        if (secretWord == guessWord) {
            cout << "\nCongratulation! You won." << endl;
            return 0;

    if (secretWord != guessWord){
    cout << "\nToo many Guesses! You have been hanged." << endl;
    cout << "\nThe secret word was: ";
    displayWord(secretWord, secretWordLength);

void displayGameDetails(int maxTries){
    cout << "\n"
    "        .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
    "        |      _      _                                                                  |\n"
    "        |     | |    | |   __ _    _ __      __ _        /\\/\\      __ _    _ __          |\n"
    "        |     | |----| |  / _  |  |  _ \\    / _` |      /    \\    / _  |  |  _  \\        |\n"
    "        |     | |----| | | (_| |  | | | |  | (_| |     / /\\/\\ |  | (_| |  | | | |        |\n"
    "        |     |_|    |_|  \\_ _ |  |_| |_|   \\__, |     \\/    \\/   \\_ _ |  |_| |_|        |\n"
    "        |                                    |___/                                       |\n"
    "        .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n";

    cout << "The purpose of this game is to guess an animal name, secretly chosen by the application\n\n";
    cout << "You have to guess one letter at a time and you can have " << maxTries << " wrong attempts\n\n";
    cout << "Enter a lower-case letter and don't forget to enter key after each guess\n\n";
    cout << "Let's play the game!\n\n";

string chooseSecretWord() {

    string animals[] = {"puppy","turtle","rabbit","raccoon","kitten","hamster",

    int randomIndex = (rand() % 20);
    string word = animals[randomIndex];
    return word;

void replaceDashes(char guessWord[], int length) {
    // your code goes here
    for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
        guessWord[i] = '-';
    guessWord[length] = '\0';

void displayWord(string word, int length) {
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

        cout << word[i];
    cout << endl;

int isGuessTrue(string secretWord, char guessWord[], char letter) {
    int flag = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < secretWord.length(); i++) {
        if (secretWord[i] == letter) {
            if (guessWord[i] == secretWord[i]) {
                flag = 2;
            } else {
                guessWord[i] = secretWord[i];
                flag = 1;
    return flag;

void displayMan(int remainingGuess) {

    string part[4];
    switch (remainingGuess) {
    case 0:
        part[3] = "|";
    case 1:
        part[2] = "/|\\";
    case 2:
        part[1] = "/|\\";
    case 3:
        part[0] = "( )";

    cout << "--------------\n";
    cout << "  |       " << part[3] << endl;
    cout << "  |       " << part[3] << endl;
    cout << "  |      " << part[0] << endl;
    cout << "  |      " << part[1] << endl;
    cout << "  |      " << part[2] << endl;
    cout << "  |\n";
    cout << "  |\n";
    cout << "--------------\n";
Hangman game

Step 1: Initialize state variables

First, we must initialize some variables to store the game statistics.

Press + to interact
int maxTries = 5;
int remainingTries = 5;
char guessLetter;
string secretWord;
int secretWordLength;
  • maxTries indicates how many times the player can guess the wrong letter.

  • remainingTries keeps track of the number of wrong tries that the player has left.

  • guessLetter stores the character guessed by the user.

Step 2: Display game details

We call the displayGameDetails(maxTries) function to display some necessary details about the game. It just uses the cout statement to print some ...