What is C++?

Get introduced to C++, its fundamentals, and why we should learn it.

C++ is a high-level programming language used to create high-performance applications. As a programming language, C++ provides lots of characteristics that make it the best choice for coders.

Why should we learn C++?

C++ is renowned for its efficiency, thus making its use ideal in resource-constrained systems and applications that require high performance. The ability to have control over memory management helps in the optimization of codes for speed and efficiency. C++ can be used in a wide spectrum of applications including system programming, graphic programming, scientific computing, etc. Notable real-world applications, libraries, and frameworks include:

  • System Programming: Operating systems like Windows and Linux are often developed using C++. Additionally, tools like the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are implemented in C++.

  • Graphics Programming: Popular game engines like Unreal Engine and graphics libraries like OpenGL and DirectX are written in C++.

  •  Scientific Computing: Libraries like Armadillo and Eigen provide powerful linear algebra capabilities for scientific computing tasks.

C++ also has a very large community that contributes to its rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and resources. The community works towards continuously improving and innovating the language. C++ is a very complex language syntax-wise, so it is easier to learn other languages like Python and Java because they are relatively easier and are based on similar concepts.

What should we be careful about?

C++ offers a relatively steeper learning curve than the rest of the languages because of its complex syntax, which can lead to slow development for new coders. C++ is of a low-level nature and offers manual memory management, so the user may come across memory management issues and syntax errors. Developers come across different memory allocation and deallocation programs which may lead to bugs and memory leaks if not dealt with properly. 

There are some scenarios where C++ is the best choice, but in applications where rapid development is prioritized over raw performance, C++ might just be an overkill. So, coders for such types of applications usually opt for languages that offer ease of use and high-level abstractions. One possible scenario for this example is web development, developers opt for JavaScript and Python for their ease-of-use.

Hello World!

The first program most aspiring programmers write is the classic “Hello World” program. The purpose of this program is to display the “Hello World!” text to the user.

Try running the following widget – we'll explain this program in detail in the next lesson.

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