

Working with Sets

Working with Sets

Get introduced to some of the properties and methods of a set in Dart.

Just like a List, a Set is a type and is, therefore, an object. This means that sets have particular properties and particular methods that they can perform. Let’s look at some of them below.

Adding a single item to a set

We can add a single element to an already existing set using the add method. The only condition is that the item you add must be of the same type as the other items of the set.

When called on a set, the add method has a single parameter which is the item you want to add to a set. The type of the parameter depends on the set you call the method on.

The general syntax is as follows:

Press + to interact

Let’s add some fruits to our set of fruits.

Press + to interact
main() {
var setOfFruit = <String>{};

setOfFruits now contains three elements.

Adding multiple items to a set

We can add multiple items to an already existing set using the ...