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Course Introduction
What is Bash?
Project 1: Analyzing the 'US News' University Ranking Data
Unirank: Data Preview (head, pipe and csvlook)
Find the colleges in the ranklist (grep, pipe and wc)
Finding the percent of colleges in the ranklist (wc, grep)
Listing the Institutes from a given state (grep)
Finding the number of Institutes from each state
Finding the correlation between university tuition and ranks
Project demonstration
Project Summary
Test your skills
Project 2: Facebook Data Mining
FB: Data Preview (csvstat, csvcut, head, cat)
Finding the number of status entry (csvcut, sort, uniq)
Find the most popular status entry (awk, sort, cat, csvcut, head)
Finding the most popular entry (Bash function)
Project demonstration
Project Summary
Test your skills
Project 3: Australian Cities Crime Statistics
AU Crime Stats: Introduction
Data Preview
Row and Columns Statistics (sed, wc, head, cat)
Finding the top most crime in the whole country (sort, tail, awk)
Finding the top most crime per city (csvcut, sort, tail, awk)
Finding the best city in Australia! (Bash Shell Script)
Prject demonstration
Project Summary
Test your skills
Project 4: Shakespearean-era plays and poems data mining
Plays and Poems: Data Preview (cat, cut, head and csvlook)
Counting the Plays and Poems (head, sed, grep, wc)
Finding plays/poems by each author (sed, sort, uniq, head)
Finding the most frequent words by Shakespeare
Project Summary
Bash Tutorials
Hello! Bash
Bash variables and functions
Bash command execution and passing arguments
Bash meta characters
Bash quotation basics
Bash read and store user input
Bash redirections
Bash conditional statements
Bash `loop` statements
Bash arithmetic
Bash arrays
REGEX Tutorials
Hello! RegEx
Basic Regular Expressions (BRE)
Extended Regular Expressions (ERE)
REGEX character classes
REGEX look arounds
REGEX atomic groups `(?>)`
How to use REGEX in Bash shell scripting?
AWK Tutorials
Hello! AWK
AWK Built-in Variables
AWK built-in functions
AWK useful examples
SED, GREP and Find Tutorials
Hello! SED - Stream Editor
SED substitutions
SED and regular expressions
SED delete, print and grouping
Hello! GREP
Hello! Find command
Beyond the Text Files! Enter into the Big Data Landscape - Concepts
HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System
Map Reduce
YARN - Yet Another Resource Negotiator!
Big Data file formats
Conclusion and References
Learn Data Science with Bash Shell
Test your skills
Test your skills
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