Auth Guard
Let's implement the auth guard functionality in this lesson, along with its unit tests.
We'll cover the following...
With our new service method, we can move on to the route guard itself. We’ll implement the guard before we approach the test. We’ll address the test later, because we’ll take a slightly different approach to how we test this service.
This is our updated code:
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Auth guard
AuthGuard implementation
- First we need to update the imports within
to includeRouter
Press + to interact
// src/app/guards/auth/auth.guard.tsimport {CanActivate,ActivatedRouteSnapshot,RouterStateSnapshot,UrlTree,Router} from '@angular/router';
- Import
so that we can use the new method we just created.
Press + to interact
// src/app/guards/auth/auth.guard.tsimport { AuthService } from '../../services/auth/auth.service';
- Create a constructor and inject our two dependencies.
Press + to interact
// src/app/guards/auth/auth.guard.tsexport class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {constructor(private authService: AuthService, private router: Router) { }canActivate(next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,state: RouterStateSnapshot):Observable<boolean | UrlTree> |Promise<boolean | UrlTree> |boolean |UrlTree {return true;}}
- While we’re at it, also remove the two parameters from the
method and update its