Comments Module and Component
Let's add a comment module and component to create and display comments on the event's page.
Now that our new service is ready to be consumed, we can move on to the feature module for creating comments. First, we’ll create our new module and component.
ng g module comment-create
ng g component comment-create
The first command ng g module comment-create
, creates one file:
CREATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.module.ts
The second command ng g component comment-create
creates four files and updates one:
CREATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.component.css
CREATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.component.html
CREATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.component.spec.ts
CREATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.component.ts
UPDATE src/app/comment-create/comment-create.module.ts
Below is the updated code after running the above commands. Use this to make further changes.
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