Understanding Callbacks
Learn how callbacks work in Node.js and how they enable asynchronous programming.
Imagine you’re baking cookies. Once they’re in the oven, you need to take them out when they’re ready to prevent them from burning. Instead of waiting by the oven, you set a timer and use the time to handle other tasks. When the timer goes off, it reminds you to take out the cookies; this is the action that needs to happen after the timer completes.
In programming, callbacks are like the action of taking the cookies out. They define what needs to happen when an asynchronous task completes. The program, like the timer, can continue running other tasks in the meantime and execute the callback when it’s time to handle the result of the operation. This allows the program to remain efficient and responsive.
What is a callback?
A callback is simply a function passed as an argument to another function, intended to be executed once a specific operation is complete. Callbacks are especially useful for handling asynchronous tasks because they allow code to continue running without waiting. ...