What is OOP?
In this lesson, we'll learn about the historical background of OOP and also key features of object-oriented programming.
We'll cover the following...
Historical Background
It was in the 60’s
and early 70’s
when the idea of object-oriented programming started occupying the minds of programmers. Keeping in view the benefits acquired through object orientation in SIMULA, the scientists encouraged languages using the same approach for programming. Object-oriented programming was a complete paradigm shift from the popular structural programming.
Object: A Fundamental Entity
Object-oriented programming is based on the idea of an object
. An object
is an entity with some data and operations. Data is also referred to as properties of the object whereas operations include accessing and modifying those properties along with other functions that depict the behavior of the object.
A fork is an object with properties including a number of prongs, its size, and material (made of plastic or metal), etc. Behavior and functions of a fork include shredding, squashing, making design or may be simply eating.
Programmers realized that when we represent entities in the program as objects, having their behaviors and properties, it becomes easy to deal with the increasing code complexity as well as the code becomes more reusable. So, a fork object can be part of a dinner set, and a similar object may also be sold separately. Once, we know its properties and behavior, we only need to reuse the same piece of code whenever a fork is needed.
In the next lesson, we’ll learn about how C++ is an object-oriented programing.