if-else Statement
This lesson discusses if-else statements in detail including nested-ifs using examples.
We'll cover the following...
Branches in PHP #
Programming in general often requires a decision or a branch within the code to account for how the code operates under different inputs or conditions.
Within the PHP programming language, the simplest and sometimes the most useful way of creating a branch within your program is through an if-else
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if-else #
Let’s start by taking a look at an example which checks if a variable a
is greater than or less than b
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<?php$a = 50; //change the value of "a" so its less than b in order to execute the else statement$b = 15;if ($a > $b){//this code is executed only if $a is greater than $becho "a is greater than b";}else{//this code is executed if the preceding "if" condition evaluated to falseecho "a is less than b";}?>
The figure below illustrates how the working of the above code snippet ...