

Input and Assign to Variable

Input and Assign to Variable

Let’s see how we can take input from a user and save it for later use.

Taking input from a user

Let’s continue making our way into Python and the project. Notice that project requirements 1 and 5 are categorically different from requirement 2, which is printing something on the screen.

Press + to interact
The project requirements that require printing the output on the screen
The project requirements that require printing the output on the screen

Now we know how to print a name on the screen using Python, but how does our code ask the elementary school student to tell us their name?

The built-in input() function

Just like print prints something on the screen, what would be the name of the built-in function that takes input from the user’s keyboard? You guessed it! Python offers us another built-in function with the name of input.

Note: After clicking the “Run” button, click anywhere inside the black terminal window. When you see a blinking cursor, you will know that the program is waiting for your input. Use your keyboard to write anything and then press enter. Give it a shot:

Taking the input using the input() function

Notice there’s only one line of code, and it says input(). You ran the code, and then, you typed in something. While you were typing, of course, you could see on the black command line, each ...