

User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions

Learn how to make your own functions.

We know that built-in functions (input(), print(), int(), etc.) are like standard ready-to-cook recipes everyone knows how to use. But did you know we can create our own functions as well? We cannot possibly have a ready-made function against every need in the world. Imagine if we wanted to create YouTube, and there was a built-in function BuildYouTubeForMe("please")? It doesn’t work like that, right? Instead, Python lets us create functions of our own that we can then use as and whenever required, just like we can use built-in functions.

All in all, functions help create modular and reusable code, such as displaying a standard message, generating random numbers, or performing other predefined tasks.

What are user-defined functions?

Here is the basic structure of a function:

def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
# Function body
# ...
return result
A template for a user-defined function.