

Solution Review: Arrays and Matrices

Solution Review: Arrays and Matrices

In this review, we give a detailed analysis of the solution to this problem.

Solution #1: Using 33 vectors

Press + to interact
myVector1 <- c ('a', 'b', 'c')
myVector2 <- c ('d', 'e', 'f')
myVector3 <- c ('g', 'h', 'i')
myArray <- array (c(myVector1, myVector2, myVector3), dim = c(3, 3, 1))


Simply make three vectors and pass them to array(). Also, set the specific dimensions. Notice that the last argument to dim is 11 because we want just one matrix.

Solution #2: Using 11 vector

Press + to interact
myVector <- c ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i')
myArray <- array (myVector, dim = c(3, 3, 1))


We can also use only one vector, populate it, and pass it to array(). However, the dim argument remains the same because we want one 3x33x3 matrix.