

Solution Review: Relational and Logical Operators

Solution Review: Relational and Logical Operators

In this review, we give a detailed analysis of the solution to this problem.

Solution #1: Performing each Test Separately

Press + to interact
testVariable <- 19
test1 <- testVariable > 4
test2 <- testVariable < 10
result <- test1 && test2


Our task was to check whether the testVariable lies between 44 and 1010. For that, we first check whether the number is greater than 44 and store the result in a variable test1. Then we check whether the number is less than 1010 and store the result in variable test2. Later, we take the && of the two variables so that we can check whether both the tests pass or not and print the result.

Solution #2: Using One Boolean Expression

Press + to interact
testVariable <- 19
cat(testVariable > 4 && testVariable < 10)


The above method is simpler. Just use relational and logical operators to make a boolean equation and print the result. R compiler is smart enough to compute the value of testVariable > 4 first then compute the value of testVariable < 10 and later AND their results. This is because the relational operators have higher precedence than logical operators. So, they are executed first and then the logical operators are applied.