Solution Review: Returning from a Function
In this review, we give a detailed analysis of the solution to this problem.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: Returning from a Function
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evenOdd <- function(testVariable){output <- vector("character", 0) # initializing an empty character vectorfor(v in testVariable){if(v %% 2 == 0){# Insert even in vector if conditional statement satisfiedoutput <- c(output, "even")}else{# Insert odd in vector if conditional statement not satisfiedoutput <- c(output, "odd")}}return(output) # returning the output vector.# You can also simply write output here.}# Driver CodeevenOdd(c(78, 100, 2))
The input to the function is an integer vector testVariable
. We iterate over the entire vector. Then side by side populate the output
vector that stores the result - even or odd for all the elements of the input vector. Later, we return the output
output <- c(output, "even")
is updating the variableoutput
by appending an entry to the previous value of the variableoutput