

Solution Review: Handling TXT files

Solution Review: Handling TXT files

In this review, we provide a detailed analysis of the solution to this problem.

Solution: Input/Output from File

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evenOdd <- function(myVector) # a function that returns a vector
# whose each element tells even or odd corresponding to input vector
myOutputVector <- vector("character", 0)
for(i in myVector)
if(as.integer(i) %% 2 == 0)
myOutputVector <- c(myOutputVector, "even")
myOutputVector <- c(myOutputVector, "odd")
# Driver Code
path <- "data.txt"
fileData <- file(path, open = "r") # open the file located in path
lines <- readLines(fileData) # read lines of the file
myVector <- vector("numeric", 0) # vector to store data
for (i in 1:length(lines)) # iterate over all the lines
myVector <- c(myVector, lines[i]) # append lines in myVector
result <- evenOdd(myVector) # store output in result
write(result, "output/outData.txt") # write result on file


In this example, we have to take input from a file and also output on file.

The main execution of the code given above starts from line number 20. We first open the file located at the given path. We then read all the lines present in the file and store in myVector. Next, we pass this vector to the function evenOdd(). This function returns us the myOutputVector vector, which we write on file output/outData.txt.