

What is a Client-Server Architecture?

What is a Client-Server Architecture?

In this lesson, we will understand the fundamentals of a client-server model, which will help us build a strong foundation for further learning.

What is a client?

A client is a computer or host that sends the request for a specific service or data to a server through the HTTP protocol in the form of a URL and receives a response.

What is a server?

A server is a remote machine that accepts the request, processes it, and sends the response information through the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Note: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol specifies how the client should send a request to the server and how the server should respond.

Note: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts the data before sending it to the client or the server.

We will discuss and learn more about HTTP and HTTPs in the next few lessons.

What is the client-server model?

When we use AN Internet browser to access any web page/website, the client, in this case, is the computer running the browser software, which has requested a web page from a web server. The client and server exchange messages through the HTTP request and response protocol.

The diagram below shows the client-server model as discussed above.

Browser and server interaction flow

Note: The internet operates on IP addresses. However, we use hostnames, e.g, https://www.educative.io/learn because it’s difficult to remember the IP addresses. So, how can we request web pages using a hostname? This is where the DNS (Domain Name System) comes in! It is just like the phonebook of the internet, but it maps the hostname (URL of the website) to its IP address.

When a browser requests for a web page, the following set of events takes place:

  1. A user enters the URL of the website or file in the browser. The browser then requests the DNS(Domain Name System) server
  2. The DNS server looks up the IP address of the web server and once it finds it, sends it back to the browser
  3. The browser then sends over an HTTP/HTTPS request to the web server’s IP (provided by the DNS server in the previous step)
  4. The server responds with the necessary information or data
  5. The browser renders the data and the website is displayed

In the next lesson, we will learn about API and web services.