

Block Storage vs. Object storage

Block Storage vs. Object storage

Differentiate between block and object storage.

It is important to understand the differences between block and object storage in general and understand where one would use each.

What is object storage?

Object storage (also referred to as object-based storage) is a general term that refers to the way in which we organize and work with units of storage, called objects. Every object contains three things.

  1. The data itself. The data can be anything you want to store, from a family photo to a 400,000-page manual for assembling an aircraft.
  2. An expandable amount of metadata. The metadata is defined by whoever creates the object storage; it contains contextual information about what the data is, what it should be used for, its confidentiality, or anything else that is relevant to the way in which the data is used.
  3. A globally unique identifier. The identifier is an address given to the object in order for the object to be found over a distributed system. This way, it’s possible to find the data without having to know the physical location of the data (which could exist within different parts of a data center or different parts of the world).

Block vs. object storage

How block storage and object storage differ:


With block storage, files are split into evenly sized blocks of data, each with its own address but with no additional information (metadata) to provide more context for what that block of data is. You’re likely to encounter block storage in the majority of enterprise workloads; it has a wide variety of uses.

Object storage, by contrast, doesn’t split files up into raw blocks of data. Instead, entire clumps of data are stored in an object that contains the data, metadata, and the unique identifier. There is no limit on the type or amount of metadata, which makes object storage powerful and customizable. Metadata can include anything from the security ...