

General Built-in Functions

General Built-in Functions

Learn to use the predefined utility functions available in Python.

Built-in functions

Python provides built-in utility functions that make it easier for programmers to perform routine tasks. The best-known built-in functions are len(), range(), input(), and print().

Let’s explore some commonly used built-in functions.

Quotient and remainder together

The divmod() function computes the remainder after the division of two numbers. It differs from the modulus operator % in that it returns two resulting values, the quotient and the remainder.

Remember: A function in Python might return two or more values.

Let’s use an example program to explore the difference between the divmod() function and the % operator.

Press + to interact
print(13 % 3)
print (divmod(13 , 4))
# we can store the two results as below
q , r = divmod(13 , 4)

In the program above:

  • We use % to calculate the remainder.

  • We use built-in divmod() function, which accepts two parameters:

    • The dividend
    • The divisor
  • The function then returns two values:

    • The quotient
    • The remainder

Reverse order

The reversed() function is used to access the elements of a list or string in reverse order. The result of this function can be accessed with the help of a loop. The following code will demonstrate how this function works:

Press + to interact
for a in reversed([1,2,3]):
for b in reversed("nib"):

In the program above:

  • A list passes to the reversed() function in the for loop statement.