Lists with Loops

Learn to use lists with the help of loops in Python.

The for loop with lists

The individual values in a list are accessed through an index number. The for loop variable can be used as an index number. However, the list values can also be used directly in a for loop.

The following program demonstrates the various ways of accessing list elements:

Press + to interact
vals = [-5, 'Python', 3.8]
print("Using loop variable as a list index")
for i in [0,1,2]:
print("\nDirectly accessing the elements")
for v in vals:
print (v)
mix = ['a',1,2.5,'i',50,6,'m',4.4,6.7,'s','@educative']
print('\nList index using "len()" in range()')
for v in range(len(mix)):
print (mix[v])

In the code above:

  • The new item is the len ( ) function, which is used to get the length of the list.
  • The first for loop accesses the list values with the help of the loop variable i.
  • The second for loop directly accesses the list values.
  • The third for loop accesses the list values with the help of loop variable v and the functions range and len.

The while loop with lists

We usually use the while loop to deal with lists when the number of iterations is not fixed. For a simple example, let’s say we want to generate n terms of a Fibonacci sequence and store it in a list, where n is the user input. A Fibonacci ...