Challenge: Create Unit Tests

Complete the challenge of creating unit tests for the to-do list component in the application.

Problem statement

A to-do list component has been created in the Angular application. We have written all the to-do list methods in the todo-list.component.ts file. Your task is to create unit tests for a TodoListComponent component that manages a to-do list.


You are required to create the following unit tests:

  1. Write tests to ensure that the addTodo() method adds new to-dos correctly.

  2. Write tests to ensure that the updateTodo() method updates to-do texts correctly.

  3. Write tests to ensure that the deleteTodo() method removes to-dos correctly.

  4. Cover edge cases such as adding, updating, and deleting to-dos when the to-do list is empty.

  5. Test scenarios with different to-do texts, including empty text.

Expected output

After running the application, expect the following output:

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