

Fetching Data through HTTP GET request

Fetching Data through HTTP GET request

Learn to fetch data directly from the Fake Store API using the HTTP GET method.

Previously, we used HttpClientModule to fetch live data from the Fake Store API by passing the selected product as an input property from the product list.

Implementing product details retrieval from API

We will get the product details directly from the API using an HTTP GET request:

  1. The Fake Store API contains an endpoint method that you can use to get details for a specific product based on its ID. Currently, there is no ID property in the product model, so first, add one in the product.ts file:

Press + to interact
export interface Product {
id: number;
name: string;
price: number;
  1. Open the products.service.ts file and modify the ProductDTO interface to include the id property:

Press + to interact
interface ProductDTO {
id: number;
title: string;
price: number;