

I/O Interactions with "io" and "os" Packages

I/O Interactions with "io" and "os" Packages

Learn about the Go stand library’s io and os packages.

os and io packages

Let’s start with an example to illustrate what the various functions do.

Press + to interact
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a file to be written
out, err := os.Create("output/result.txt")
if err != nil {
defer out.Close()
// copy bytes to the previously created file
n, _ := io.Copy(out, bytes.NewReader([]byte("simple text to be written")))
fmt.Printf("bytes written: %d\n", n)

This above code creates a new file and writes some content to it. The os.Create method creates a file at the specified path if one doesn’t exist. If the file already exists, it’ll be truncated. If the file is created, its permission mode is 0666 (read and write).

The io.Copy method simply copies from a source to a destination until either an EOF error is encountered or another error occurs.

io package

The io package provides us with useful functions and values we can use to manage byte data types. Some values that could be managed are lists of bytes, streams of bytes, or individual bytes. Now, let’s ...