Tests in Go

Learn some of the test features in Go, including subtests, table-driven tests, and flags.

Go has some fantastic features for tests that are worth mentioning.


Subtests help us write more structured test code. Let’s use an example to understand this:

Press + to interact
package subtests
import (
type Person struct {
age int
func NewPerson(age int) (*Person, error) {
if age < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("age cannot be less than 0")
return &Person{age: age}, nil

For the rest of the lesson, we’ll rely on this production function for writing tests. The NewPerson function has two branches to cover:

  • The happy one is when we provide a valid age.
  • The bad one is when we pass an invalid age.

With that being said, we have to write two test functions that we’ll call TestNewPerson_WithValidAge and TestNewPerson_WithNotValidAge. ...