

Choose the Random Word

Choose the Random Word

Learn to read input from the file.

Create a dictionary

If we want to offer different words, we need a list of words from which we can draw a word.

A simple way is to use a file containing one word per Some systems, like Linux, have such files that we can use. The file /usr/share/dict/words) contains about a hundred thousand words.line.Some systems, like Linux, have such files that we can use. The file (/usr/share/dict/words) contains about a hundred thousand words. We can name this file dictionary. Here is an example with several words:



In our example, we used French words and added a suffix (_fr) to the file name to show it contains French words. We must start by reading (loading) all words and filling a collection that we can then use to draw words. But we have some constraints:

  • All the words must be in lowercase.
  • We do not want to keep very short words.
  • We do not want words whose letters contain accents. We must remove the accents because our game can’t tell the difference between a letter with an accent and the same letter without an accent.

Read the dictionary

We are going to isolate this task in a file in which we’ll add a routine to load the ...