

Improve the Proposal Check

Improve the Proposal Check

Learn to improve the behavior of the program by incorporating additional checks.

Towards the end of the last lesson, we identified the following unwanted behaviors:

  • Giving an uppercase letter doesn’t work.
  • Giving two letters instead of one results in a two-letter comparison.

Handle the uppercase letter

Let’s understand the scenario first and try to fix it.

Press + to interact
hidden_word = "hello"
puts "_ _ _ _ _"
print "Give me a letter: "
answer = gets
answer = answer.chomp.downcase
if hidden_word.include?(answer.chomp)
puts "The letter is part of the hidden word"
puts "Invalid letter"

We add one more process at line 9, right after giving a name (answer) to the letter that the user proposed.

We send the chomp message to remove the carriage return character and send the downcase message to the produced result. ...