/Fetch Combined Person and Company Data
Fetch Combined Person and Company Data
Learn and practice how to fetch data for people and companies simultaneously with the combined API.
We'll cover the following...
The person API takes a person’s email address and provides the person’s complete profile. Similarly, the company API takes a company’s domain and returns its associated data. In this lesson, we’ll look at the conjunction of the person and company APIs: the combined API.
The combined API
To avoid users having to make two separate requests if they want data for a person and a company, Clearbit offers the combined API endpoint. Using this endpoint, we can get the data for a person and company simultaneously. The combined endpoint takes in a required parameter—email
—along with some optional parameters. It returns the details of the person and their associated company (if any) in a single JSON response.
The base URL for this endpoint is as follows:
Request parameters
This endpoint supports the following request parameters:
Name | Type | Category | Description |
| string | required | This is the email address used to search for someone’s personal and company details. |
| string | optional | This is the first name of the person. |
| string | optional | This is the last name of the person—giving it as a parameter ensures more reliable and stronger match rates and thus results. |
| string | optional | This is the IP address of the person whose details we are looking for—giving it as a parameter ensures more reliable and stronger match rates and thus results. |
| string | optional | This is the city or country where the person lives. |
| string | optional | This is the name of the employer (mostly company name) the person works at. For example, |
| string | optional | This is the domain of the employer (mostly company domain) the person works for. For example, |
| string | optional | This is the URL of the person's LinkedIn profile. |
| string | optional | This is the Twitter handle associated with this person. |
| string | optional | This is the URL of the person's Facebook profile. |
| string | optional | This is the webhook URL on which we can request the results that might face delays otherwise. |
| string | optional | This is the custom identifier for the webhook request if any. |
| boolean | optional | We can get notified about any updates or changes made to the person's details by passing this parameter with its value set to |
| string | optional | This is used to exclude some country's data from the results. For example, if set to |
Fetch person and company data together
Now, let's make a call to the combined endpoint using the code widget below. Enter the email address of the person in place of {{EMAIL}}
in line 13. Now, click "Run" to fetch the details of both the person and company at the same time.
import fetch from 'node-fetch';const API_KEY = 'Bearer {{API_KEY}}';const endpointUrl = new URL('https://person.clearbit.com/v2/combined/find');const headerParameters = {authorization: API_KEY,contentType: 'application/json',};const queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({email: '{{EMAIL}}'});const options = {method: 'GET',headers: headerParameters,};async function fetchData() {try {endpointUrl.search = queryParameters;const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);// Custom function for printing the API responseprintResponse(response);} catch (error) {// Custom function for printing the error messageprintError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callfetchData();
In the code above:
Line 1: We import the
library.Line 5: We define the URL for the combined API endpoint.
Lines 7–10: We define the header parameters for the request, including the required API key parameter.
Lines 12–14: We define the query parameters for the request.
Lines 16–19: We set the options for the API call, specifying the HTTP request type as
.Lines 21–33: We define a function called
to make the API call.Lines 22–27: Within a try block, we make a call to the API, printing the response to the console.
Lines 28–32: We catch all errors and exceptions within a catch block and print them to the console.
Line 36: We invoke the
Response parameters
The output JSON response contains both the person response object parameters and the company response object parameters.