Response Parameters Details
Get details of a couple of important output response objects.
We'll cover the following...
The person object
The person object has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | This is the internal ID associated with the person on Clearbit. |
| string | This is the first name of the person if found. |
| string | This is the last name of the person if found. |
| string | This is the fully formatted name of the person. |
| string | This is the most accurate location of the person Clearbit could get. |
| string | This is the timezone of the person's location. |
| integer | This is the offset from UTC in hours in the person’s location. |
| string | This is the city normalized based on the person's location. |
| string | This is the state normalized based on the person's location. |
| string | This is the two-letter country code normalized based on the person's location. |
| float | This is the general latitude based on the person's location. |
| float | This is the general longitude based on the person's location. |
| string | This is the most accurate bio of the person Clearbit could get. |
| string | This is the website of the person if any. |
| string | This is the URL for the avatar of the person, the best Clearbit could get. |
| string | This is the name of the company for which the person works. |
| string | This is the title of the person at the company. |
| string | This is the role of the person at the company. |
| string | This is the sub-role of the person at the company. |
| string | This is the seniority level of the person at the company. |
| string | This is the domain of the company. |
| string | This is the person's Facebook ID or screen name. |
| string | This is the person's GitHub handle. |
| integer | This is the person's GitHub ID. |
| string | This is the person's avatar on GitHub. |
| string | This is the person's company on GitHub. |
| string | This is the URL of the person's blog. |
| string | This is the number of followers this person has on GitHub. |
| string | This is the number of people following this person on GitHub. |
| string | This is the person's screen name on Twitter. |
| integer | This is the person's Twitter ID. |
| integer | This is the number of followers this person has on Twitter. |
| integer | This is the number of people following this person on Twitter. |
| string | This is the location of the person as per Twitter. |
| string | This is the person's website given on Twitter. |
| integer | This is the total number of tweets this person has. |
| integer | This is the number of favorites this person has on Twitter. |
| string | This is the URL of a person's avatar on Twitter. |
| string | This is the LinkedIn URL of this person. |
| string | This is the person's Google Plus handle. |
| string | This is the person's Gravatar handle. |
| array | This is an array of URLs from the person's Gravatar handle. |
| string | This is the person's main avatar URL on Gravatar. |
| string | This is an array of objects containing the avatar URLs and a type, thumbnail. |
| boolean | This is the flag that shows whether the lookup is a vague or an exact search. |
| boolean | This is the flag that shows whether the email domain is associated with a free email provider, Gmail or not. |
| string date | This is the time at which Clearbit indexed this data. |
The company object
The company object has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | This is the internal ID associated with the company on Clearbit. |
| string | This is the name of the company. |
| string | This is the legal name of the company. |
| string | This is the domain of the company's website. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the domains used by this company. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the phone numbers mentioned on the company's website. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the email addresses mentioned on the company's website. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the market categories applicable to this company. Clearbit has its own set of market categories. "Accounting," "Biotechnology," "Cosmetics," and "Fine Art" are a few examples. |
| string | This is the broad sector of the company. Clearbit has its own set of market sectors. For example, "Information Technology" is the sector to which a company belongs. |
| string | This is the industry group to which the company belongs. Clearbit has its own set of industry groups. For example, "Software and Services." |
| string | This is the industry to which the company belongs. Clearbit has its own set of industries. For example, "Internet Software & Services." |
| string | This is the sub-industry to which the company belongs. Clearbit has its own set of sub-industries. For example, "Internet Software & Services." |
| string | This is a two-digit category SIC code. The SIC (Standard International Code) is used to classify industries. For example, "47." |
| string | This is the two-digit category NAICS code. The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is used to classify business establishments. For example, "51." |
| string | This is the description of the company. For example, "Get a taxi, private car or rideshare from your mobile phone..." is the description for the company "Uber." |
| integer | This is the year when the company was established. |
| string | This is the address of the company. |
| string | This is the timezone for the company’s location. |
| integer | This is the offset from UTC in hours in the company’s location. |
| string | This is the street number of the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the street name of the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the suite number of the company's headquarters, if any. |
| string | This is the name of the city where we have the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the name of the state where we have the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the two-character state code of the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the postal/zip code of the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the name of the country where we have the company's headquarters. |
| string | This is the two-character country code of the company's headquarters. |
| float | This is the latitude position of the company's headquarters as per the map. |
| float | This is the longitude position of the company's headquarters as per the map. |
| string | This is the US Employer Identification Number (USEIN) of the company. For example, "452647441." |
| integer | This is the total amount raised by the company (up till now). |
| integer | This is Alexa’s US site rank of the company. |
| integer | This is Alexa’s global site rank of the company. |
| integer | This is the number of employees the company has. |
| string | This is the range of employees a company can have. |
| integer | This is the market cap of the company, that is, the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares, if any. |
| integer | This is the annual revenue earned by the company (public companies only). |
| string | This is the estimated annual revenue range of the company. |
| integer | This is the month where the fiscal year ends for the company. |
| string | This is the Facebook ID of the company. |
| string | This is the Linkedin URL of the company. |
| string | This is the name this company has on Twitter. |
| integer | This is the Twitter ID of the company. |
| string | This is the company's Twitter bio. |
| integer | This is the number of Twitter followers a company has. |
| integer | This is the number of people following this company on Twitter. |
| string | This is the location of the company, as per Twitter. |
| string | This is the company's website given on Twitter. |
| string | This is the URL of a company's avatar on Twitter. |
| string | This is the company's Crunchbase handle. |
| string | This is the src of the company's logo. |
| boolean | This is the flag that shows whether the email domain is associated with a free email provider, that is, Gmail or not. |
| string | This is the type of company. Possible values include either "education," "government," "nonprofit," "private," "public," or "personal." |
| string | This is the phone number of the company's international headquarters. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the technology tags associated with the company. |
| array | This is an array that contains all the technology categories the company uses. |
| string | This is the domain of the parent company if any. |
| string | This is the domain of the ultimate parent company, if any. |
| string date | This is the time at which Clearbit indexed this data. |