Application of StateNotifierProvider
Continue to learn about StateNotifier and StateNotifierProvider and how you can use them in a Flutter application.
Meaning of StateNotifierProvider
If we break the word StateNotifierProvider
into three parts, what do we find? We will find three meaningful words: State
, Notifier
, and Provider
As we know, the state is a built-in characteristic or property of an object, like a person has a name, height, weight, etc. A notifier needs to notify a widget to a change of state. However, while notifying, it must provide them.
Let us consider an app like in the following image:
On the left-hand side, we can see the app. On the right-hand side, we can track the widget rebuilds. Even though the app looks very simple, the structure is not that simple. Because we want to reduce widget rebuilds, we break the code into separate modules to make them loosely coupled.
Type of state required
Granted, the nature of the state is not always straightforward. But for this example, we have kept both simple and complex options.
A simple data model class that extends StateNotifier
looks like this:
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';class NameNotifier extends StateNotifier<String> {NameNotifier() : super('StateNotifier');void addNames(String names) {state = names;}void updateNames(String names) {state = names;}}final nameNotifierProvider =StateNotifierProvider<NameNotifier, dynamic>((ref) {return NameNotifier();});
In addition to the simplicity ...
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