StateProvider Widget: Introduction

Learn about the StateProvider widget in Riverpod and how it works.

The StateProvider widget

StateProvider is another Provider variant that makes state management simple.

Let us clear the difference first. So we do not confuse StateProvider in Riverpod and StateProvider in AngularJS. However, the name is the same.

What distinguishes them?

For that, we need to know what StateProvider means in AngularJS first. After that, we will discuss this Provider variant in Flutter Riverpod. Moreover, we’ll also try to build a Flutter application that will use StateProvider that provides different types of objects.


Although we’re aware that the Riverpod is a state management package in Flutter, still concerning that, we’ve seen before how the Provider package works in Flutter.

AngularJs, Angular-UI-Router has the stateProvider method to create routes or states in the application. However, in the Riverpod state management package for Flutter, StateProvider's role is entirely different.

What is StateProvider?

Where is the main difference that marks ...


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