In this lesson, we'll go over why subshells are useful, how they are created, and contrasting them with group commands.
The concept of subshells is not a complicated one, but can lead to a little confusion at times, and occasionally is very useful.
How Important is this Lesson?
As with process substitution, this is another concept I came to later in my bash career. It comes in handy fairly often, and an understanding of it helps deepen your bash wisdom.
VAR1='the original variable'
Now create a subshell:
You’ll notice the prompt has changed. Now try and echo something:
echo Inside the subshell
It’s not been run. This is because the subshell’s instructions aren’t run until the parenthesis has been closed. Next we’ll try and echo the variable we created outside.
echo ${VAR1}
Then update that variable to another value, and echo it again:
VAR1='the updated variable'echo ${VAR1}
And finally create another variable, before closing the subshell out:
VAR2='the second variable')
So a subshell is a shell that inherits variables from the parent shell, and whose running is deferred until the parentheses are closed.
It will pay to think about the output and review the subshell commands to grasp what you just saw. Play ...