HomeCoursesMaster the Bash Shell



Master the Bash Shell

Gain insights into the intricacies of the Bash shell, ideal for beginners. Delve into essential skills with interactive learning designed to ensure lasting knowledge without requiring prior experience.
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A course for anyone interested in understanding all aspects of the bash shell. Designed for use by beginners, it assumes as little knowledge as possible but teaches you all the intricacies of bash it took me decades to learn by trial and error. The interactive nature of the course instills the knowledge in a way you will not forget!
A course for anyone interested in understanding all aspects of the bash shell. Designed for use by beginners, it assumes as litt...Show More



Core Bash

5 Lessons

Understand Bash shell basics, globbing, quoting, variables, functions, and input/output management.


Scripting Bash

9 Lessons

Get started with essential Bash scripting techniques, including scripts, substitutions, loops, and exit codes.


Bash in Practice

6 Lessons

Examine efficient Bash usage with Readline, terminal codes, prompt customization, history, and practical examples.


Advanced Bash

6 Lessons

Enhance your skills in job control, traps, debugging, string manipulation, and autocomplete in Bash.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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