

Apache Kafka Java Client Library

Apache Kafka Java Client Library

Learn about the packages in the Kafka Java client library and the purpose they serve.

The Kafka Java client library allows JVM-based applications to interact with the Kafka cluster. Let’s look at the package structure, along with the key classes/interfaces.

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Packages in the Kafka Java client library
Packages in the Kafka Java client library

Here are some of the important packages in the Kafka Java client library:

  • org.apache.kafka.clients.*: This contains the Producer, Consumer, and Admin API classes.

  • org.apache.kafka.connect.*: This is used to build source and sink connectors.

  • org.apache.kafka.streams.*: This is used to build stream processing applications.

  • org.apache.kafka.common.*: This deals with cross-cutting concerns like security, error handling, etc.

Let’s explore some of the classes/interfaces across some of these packages. You will see them in action throughout this course, and now is a good time to get familiar with them.

The org.apache.kafka.clients.producer library

  • KafkaProducer: An instance of this class ...