

LUIS App Using Web Portal - Creating and Training the Model

LUIS App Using Web Portal - Creating and Training the Model

Learn how to build a LUIS app using Azure's LUIS portal.


So far we’ve explored concepts related to LUIS such as intents, entities, and utterances. Now we’ll explore how to build a LUIS app from a pre-built domain, and then we’ll add our own intent and entities to the app.


Let’s move ahead with the implementation in a step-by-step manner.

Creating a LUIS resource

First, we need to create a LUIS resource from the Azure portal. Follow the steps mentioned in the slides below:


  • Step 1: Visit the Azure Portal and log in with your credentials. Then, search for language understanding in the Azure search bar and select the first option.

  • Step 2: Fill in the details to create the LUIS resource. Remember, to select the “Both” option because we need to ...