PySpark Integration with Apache Hive
Learn to perform queries on Hive table using PySpark SQL.
PySpark seamlessly integrates with Apache Hive, a data warehouse built atop the Hadoop ecosystem, allowing for efficient querying and analysis of big data stored in HDFS. This integration harnesses the distributed processing capabilities of Spark while leveraging Python’s flexibility and simplicity, enhancing productivity and performance in working with Hive data.
Components of Apache Hive
Hive Metastore (HMS):
Central repository for metadata related to Hive tables and partitions.
Stores schema details, table locations, column statistics, etc., usually in an RDBMS.
Hive Query Language (HiveQL):
SQL-like language for querying and managing data stored in HDFS or compatible file systems.
Hive Execution Engine:
Executes HiveQL queries, translating them into MapReduce, Tez, or Spark jobs based on the chosen ...