

Solution: Customer Churn Analysis Using PySpark

Solution: Customer Churn Analysis Using PySpark

The solution to the customer churn analysis and predictions using PySpark.

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from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, sum, count, corr, avg
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# Task1: Loading Customer Data into a PySpark DataFrame
print("Reading 'churn.csv' into spark_df:")
telco_df = spark.read.csv("./churn.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)
print("First 5 rows of the telco_df:")
telco_df.show(2, truncate=False, vertical=True)
print("Schema of the telco_df:")
# Task 2: Preprocessing and Transformation of Data
churn_count = telco_df.filter(col("Churn Value") == 1).count()
print("Counting the number of churned customers:",churn_count)
print("Computing the average monthly charges by gender:")
telco_df.groupBy("Gender").avg("Monthly Charges").show()
print("Creating a new column 'Total Charges' by multiplying Monthly Charges and Tenure Months:")
telco_df.withColumn("Total Charges", col("Monthly Charges") * col("Tenure Months")).show(2, vertical=True)
print("Computing the correlation between Monthly Charges and Total Charges:")
telco_df.select(corr(col("Monthly Charges"), col("Total Charges"))).show()
# Task 3: EDA
print("Calculating the churn rates by contract type:")
telco_df.groupBy("Contract").agg((sum("Churn Value") / telco_df.count()).alias("Aggregated Churn Value")).show()
print("Calculating the average tenure by churn value:")
telco_df.groupBy("Churn Value").agg(avg("Tenure Months").alias("Aggregated Churn Value")).show()
print("Calculating the churn rates by payment method:")
telco_df.groupBy("Payment Method").agg((sum("Churn Value") / telco_df.count()).alias("Aggregated Churn Value")).show()

Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening:

Task 1: Loading customer data into a
