Final Thoughts

Conclude the course with a parting note.

Congratulation! You have completed this course.

Software engineering is an ever-changing field, and the rate of change only accelerates. The methods and means to convert an idea to a software product get created and obsoleted constantly. Keeping up with everything can feel overwhelming. But things don’t end with delivering a software product. Maintainability plays a big role in the product’s success, so being able to write maintainable software and maintain software is crucial to the success of the software engineer. So, while it is important to keep up with the latest set of tools for software development, it is incumbent on the software engineer to invest in learning to maintain software as well.

Brian Kernighan once said: “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.” However, with the right tools, training, and attitude, one can earn the smartness to squash bugs.

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