

Implement Your Option Wrapper

Implement Your Option Wrapper

Implement a lightweight version of the Option type.

So far, we have used the Option type as a replacement for null and C# 8.0 nullable references when working with previous versions of the C# language. Also, we learned that C#, unlike functional languages, doesn’t have a built-in Option type. We have to either use a third-party library or write our own Option type. Let’s write our own lightweight Option type to see its inner workings.

Defining the Option class

Let’s start by writing an Option class with the Some(), None(), and Match() methods.

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var someInt = Option<int>.Some(42);
var message = someInt.Match(
value => $"It has a value. It's {value}",
() => "It doesn't have a value");
// TODO: Create a variable, assign it to None, and
// print its value using Match
// var none = ...

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