HomeCoursesMastering NullReferenceException Prevention in C#



Mastering NullReferenceException Prevention in C#
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Course Overview

NullReferenceException is an error that programmers frequently encounter, and it is often referred to as the Billion Dollar Mistake. This course is designed to assist you in avoiding this error. You will begin by gaining an understanding of when NullReferenceException is thrown and how to prevent null in your code. You’ll also learn how to employ nullable operators to simplify null checks and use nullable references and the Option wrapper to identify problematic code blocks. Finally, you will explore avoid...Show More
NullReferenceException is an error that programmers frequently encounter, and it is often referred to as the Billion Dollar Mist...Show More


An understanding of NullReferenceException and when it can be thrown
A working knowledge of C# nullable operators to simplify null checks
The ability to identify problematic code blocks using C# nullable references
Familiarity with the Option wrapper to avoid NullReferenceException
The ability to avoid NullReferenceException when working with some LINQ methods
An understanding of NullReferenceException and when it can be thrown

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