Applying Genetic Algorithms
Learn to solve a problem using genetic algorithms.
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It’s time to solve a problem with a genetic algorithm. Let’s start with something simple. At the end of this chapter, we’ll face more complex problems. But for now, we’re going to minimize the function .
Let’s remember the code template for genetic algorithms:
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import numpy as np# mutation operationdef mutation(s, Pm):pass# crossover operationdef crossover(p1, p2, Pc)pass# score functiondef score(s):pass# generates the initial population with length Ndef generate_initial_population(N):pass# determines the best solutiondef best_solution(P, score_func)scores = list(map(score_func, P))index = np.argmax(scores)return P[index]def select_parent(P, score_func):scores = list(map(score_func, P))score_sum = sum(scores)probs = list(map(lambda s: s/score_sum, scores))return np.random.choice(P, p=probs)def genetic_algorithm(target_f, Pm, Pc, N, max_iter):P = generate_initial_population(N)# placeholders for the best resultbest_solution, best_score = 0, -1e9# stop criterion is max_iter reachedfor _ in range(max_iter):# get best solution in this generationbest_candidate = best_solution(P, score)# keep the best solution foundif score(best_candidate) > best_score:best_solution = best_candidatebest_score = score(best_candidate)newP = []# take parents in ordered pairs (first and second, second and third, etc)for _ in range(N):p1 = select_parent(P, score)p2 = select_parent(P, score)# produce new child with prob Pcc = crossover(p1, p2, Pc)# mutate c with probability Pmc = mutation(c, Pm)newP.append(c)# make a new generationP = newP# return the best solution and its scorereturn best_solution, best_score
We need to implement the following methods:
mutation: Receives one solution and a probability and updates that solution with that probability. ...