Practice what we’ve learned so far.
Exercise 1: Using both algorithms
Maximize the function . Use both genetic algorithms and PSO. Compare the results of both approaches.
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import numpy as np######################### GENETIC ALGORITHM ########################## mutation operationdef mutation(s, Pm):# Remove the following line and add the code for mutationspass# crossover operationdef crossover(p1, p2, Pc):# Remove the following line and add the code for crossoverspass# score functiondef score(s):# Remove the following line and add the code for the scorepass# generate the initial population with length Ndef generate_initial_population(N):# Remove the following line and add the code to generate a random populationpass# determine the best solutiondef best_solution(P, score_func):scores = list(map(score_func, P))index = np.argmax(scores)return P[index]def select_parent(P, score_func):scores = list(map(score_func, P))score_sum = sum(scores)probs = list(map(lambda s: s/score_sum, scores))# random.choice only receive 1-dimensional arraysreturn P[np.random.choice(range(len(P)), p=probs)]def genetic_algorithm(Pm, Pc, N, max_iter):P = generate_initial_population(N)# placeholders for the best resultbest_solution, best_score = 0, -1e9# stop criterion is max_iter reachedfor iteration in range(max_iter):# get best solution in this generationbest_candidate = best_solution_in_population(P, score)# keep the best solution foundif score(best_candidate) > best_score:best_solution = best_candidatebest_score = score(best_candidate)newP = []for _ in range(N):p1 = select_parent(P, score)p2 = select_parent(P, score)# produce new child with prob Pcc = crossover(p1, p2, Pc)# mutate c with probability Pmc = mutation(c, Pm)newP.append(c)# make a new generationP = newP# return the best solution and its scorereturn best_solution, best_score########### PSO ###########class Particle:def __init__(self, initial_value, initial_velocity, score_func):self.value = initial_valueself.v = initial_velocityself.best = initial_valueself.score = score_funcself.best_score = score_func(self)def move(self):self.value += self.vnew_score = self.score(self)if new_score < self.best_score:self.best_score = new_scoreself.best = self.valuedef update_velocity(self, global_best, w, wp, wg):self.v = w*self.v \+ wp*(self.best - self.value) \+ wg*(global_best - self.value)def score(s):# Remove the following line and add the code for the scorepassdef best_solution_in_population(P, score_func):scores = list(map(score_func, P))index = np.argmax(scores)return P[index]def generate_initial_population(N):# Remove the following line and add the code to generate initial populationpassdef pso(N, w, wp, wg, max_iter):P = generate_initial_population(N)best_solution, best_score = 0, -1e9for iteration in range(max_iter):best_candidate = best_solution_in_population(P, score)best_pop_score = score(best_candidate)if best_pop_score > best_score:best_solution = best_candidate.valuebest_score = best_pop_scorefor particle in P:particle.update_velocity(best_solution, w, wp, wg)particle.move()return best_solution, best_score# Experiment with different parameters and add logs to see what happens in the executionsgenetic_solution, genetic_sol_score = genetic_algorithm(0.8, 0.9, 200, 50)pso_solution, pso_sol_score = pso(500, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 20)
Exercise 2: Assigning tasks
We have a list of tasks ...